New Quantico Files

a white eagle logo on a black background

One hour, twelve minutes and fifty seven seconds

That’s how long it took for the world to end.

- The Misfits, Prologue

the eagle logo on a black background

In a world post-Wold War III an organization has created a militia of super soldiers with extraordinary abilities as a way to protect and rebuild what's left of the United States. After twenty years they've become a beacon of light to a fallen nation, but does this beacon of light have things hidden in the shadows?


Book 1

The Misfits

the cover of new quantum files the misfits by ruby g

The halls of the of New Quantico's compound were all Aether ever knew. Since the moment of her awakening, she has been trained and conditioned to become one of The Elect-The highest branch of Parahumans.

Her loyalty to the organization is unwavering, until those she calls family are scheduled to be killed in a process called repurposing. Now she is faced with a decision to follow orders or fight for those she loves.

​ A story of choice, life, and what it means to be human.

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